This service will give ITQS access to the Azure subscriptions of customers who accept this service. By accepting this offer, the customer allows ITQS to have visibility and administration of Microsoft Azure services as well as assign ITQS as Partner Admin Link. The client may remove this offer at the time it deems necessary and remove the permissions delegated to ITQS. ITQS will not be responsible for covering this offer if the client does not accept it through the Azure Marketplace. The information that is transferred or shared through this offer will be managed confidentially between ITQS and the client who accepts this offer. The changes that apply to this offer will be communicated to the client through an official communication via email to the main contact of this offer. ITQS will not be responsible for loss of data that is generated by external factors in which the service provided in this offer is not involved. It is the customer's responsibility at the time they need to remove this offer, carry out the corresponding process through the Azure portal.