Released/Last updated on August 31st 2021 WeekNote © 2021 Sungho Hwang. Who uses this application? Anyone can use WeekNote which provides note by each week day. 1. License WeekNote is owned by Sungho Hwang. You may not copy, distribute, modify, post, reproduce, republish, transmit WeekNote instead of Microsoft. 2. Agreement WeekNote follows Microsoft Store Polices. see this( 3. Limitation of liability After subscription payment per month, WeekNote does not have liability during each month. Next month subscription is decided by you. 4. subscription payment For subscription of WeekNote, 1.5 USD is paid per month. 5. Guaranty and Security WeekNote follows Microsoft Store Polices. see this ( WeekNote follows Personal Data Protection Laws in Korea. see this ( 6. Purchase Through subscription payment, you can subscribe WeekNote. 7. Contract case Each subscription is decided per month. After one month of this subscription, you can decide next subscription. WeekNote Sungho Hwang, All Rights Reserved © 2021 Sungho Hwang copyright © 2021 Sungho Hwang