END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR RESOLUTE SOFTWARE IMPORTANT – READ THIS AGREEMENT BEFORE USING THE APPLICATION. USING THE SOFTWARE BY DOWNLOADING THE APPLICATION INDICATES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. This End User License Agreement (“EULA”) is a legal agreement between you and “Code Technologies” sal (“Code Technologies”), as the licensor of the software on behalf of itself, and its affiliates and its third party licensors (“Third Party Licensors”), and related materials, including printed or online documentation, updates or upgrades provided by Code Technologies, and any data files created by the operation of the software, which shall be collectively referred to as the “Software.”. The Software includes all of the software in your Product (defined below), including updates or modified software provided to you by Code, whether stored on media or downloaded via any method. Code Technologies may add to, change, or remove any part, term, or condition of this EULA, including but not limited to as it applies to the Software at any time without prior notice or liability to you. Any such additions, changes, or removals posted at http://www.code-technologies.com/ shall apply as soon as they are posted. By continuing to use the Product or Software after so posted, you are indicating your acceptance thereto. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, Code Technologies is unwilling to license the Software to you and you must contact Code Technologies for information on returning your Product and Software. SOFTWARE LICENSE The Software (including, but not limited to, any text, schedule, table, images, photograph, animation, video, audio, and “applets” incorporated into the Software) is owned by Code Technologies and the Third Party Licensors, and its structure, organization and code are valuable trade secrets of Code Technologies and the Third Party Licensors. The Software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and international treaties. Except as expressly set forth in this EULA, this EULA does not grant you any intellectual property rights in the Software, and you cannot use the Software except as specified herein. The Software is licensed, not sold. The Software may create data files automatically for use with the Software, and you agree that any such data files are deemed to be a part of the Software. The Software is licensed as a single product (“Product”). You agree not to copy, modify, publish, adapt, redistribute, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, attempt to derive or discover source code, or otherwise reduce to a human-perceivable form, or create derivative works of, the Software in whole or in part, or to use the Software in whole or in part for any purpose other than as expressly permitted under this EULA. You may not modify or tamper with any digital rights management functionality of the Software, or bypass, modify, defeat or circumvent any of the functions or protections of the Software or any mechanisms operatively linked to the Software. You may not remove, alter, cover or deface any trademarks or notices on the Software. In addition, you may not share, distribute, loan, rent, lease, sublicense, assign, transfer, or sell the Software. Code Technologies and its Third Party Licensors expressly reserve and retain all rights, title and interest (including but not limited to intellectual property rights) that this EULA does not expressly grant to you. You shall not: (a) violate, tamper with, bypass, modify, defeat, or circumvent any of the functions or protections of the Software, or any mechanisms operatively linked to the Software; or (b) remove, alter, cover, or deface any trademarks or proprietary legends, notices or language in or on the Software. INTERNET CONNECTIVITY AND THIRD PARTY SERVICES You understand, acknowledge and agree that access to certain Product features, including but not limited to registration of the Product, requires an Internet connection for which you are solely responsible. You are solely responsible for payment of any third party fees associated with your Internet connection, including but not limited to Internet service provider or airtime charges. Operation of the Product and Software may be limited or restricted depending on the capabilities, bandwidth or technical limitations of your Internet connection and service. You understand, acknowledge and agree that Internet connectivity in relation to the Product is provided by third parties over which Code Technologies has no control, and is governed by the respective terms of such third parties. The provision, quality, availability and security of such Internet connectivity, software and services are the sole responsibility of such third party. CONSENT TO USE OF NON-PERSONAL INFORMATION, LOCATION DATA, DATA SECURITY You acknowledge and agree that Code Technologies and its affiliates, partners and agents may read, collect, transfer, process and store certain information collected from the Software, including but not limited to information about (i) the Software and (ii) the software applications, contents and peripheral devices that interact with the Software (“Information”). Information includes, but is not limited to: (1) unique identifiers relating to your device(s) and their components; (2) performance of the Software; (3) configurations of your device(s), the Software and the software applications, contents and peripheral devices that interact with the Software; (4) use and frequency of use of the functions of the Software, and the software applications, contents and peripheral devices that interact with the Software; and (5) location data, as indicated below. Code Technologies and its affiliates, partners and agents may use and disclose Information subject to applicable laws in order to improve its products and services or to provide products or services to you. Such uses include, but are not limited to: (a) administering the functionalities of the Software; (b) to improve, service, update or upgrade the Software; (c) improving, developing and enhancing the current and future products and services of Code Technologies and other parties; (d) to provide you with information about the products and services offered by Code Technologies and other parties; (e) complying with applicable laws or regulations; and (f) to the extent offered, providing you with location-based services of Code Technologies and other parties, as indicated below. In addition, Code Technologies retains the right to use Information to protect itself and third parties from illegal, criminal or harmful conduct. Certain services available through the Software may rely upon location information, including, but not limited to, the geographic location of any device on which the Software is installed. You acknowledge that for the purpose of providing such services, Code Technologies, the Third Party Suppliers or their partners may collect, archive, process and use such location data. Code Technologies, its affiliates, partners and agents will not intentionally use Information to personally identify the owner or user of the Software without your knowledge or consent. Information may be processed, stored or transferred to Code Technologies, its affiliates or agents which are located in countries outside of your country of residence. Data protection and information privacy laws in certain countries may not offer the same level of protection as your country of residence and you may have fewer legal rights in relation to Information processed and stored in, or transferred to, such countries. Code Technologies will make reasonable efforts to take appropriate technical and organizational steps to prevent unauthorized access to or disclosure of Information, but does not warrant it will eliminate all risk of misuse of such Information. AUTOMATIC UPDATE FEATURE From time to time, Code Technologies may automatically update or otherwise modify the Software, including, but not limited to, for purposes of enhancement of security functions, error correction and improvement of functions, at such time as you interact with Code Technologies’ or third parties' servers, or otherwise. Such updates or modifications may delete or change the nature of features or other aspects of the Software, including, but not limited to, functions you may rely upon. You acknowledge and agree that such activities may occur at Code Technologies’ sole discretion and that Code Technologies may condition continued use of the Software upon your complete installation or acceptance of such update or modifications. Any updates/modifications shall be deemed to be, and shall constitute part of, the Software for purposes of this EULA. By acceptance of this EULA, you consent to such update/modification. EXCLUSION OF WARRANTY The Software and accompanying documentation are furnished to you “as is” and “as available” and without warranties, duties or conditions, statutory or otherwise, of any kind. Code Technologies, its affiliates, and third party licensors expressly disclaim all warranties, duties and conditions, express (except to the extent expressly provided otherwise by this EULA) or implied, statutory or otherwise, of any kind, including but not limited to the implied warranties of non-infringement, title, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose. Code Technologies, its affiliates, and third party licensors do not warrant that the Software or accompanying documentation, will meet your requirements or provide specific results, or that they will be updated, or that the operation of all or any of them will be uninterrupted or error free, or that any defects will be corrected, or that the Software will not damage any other software, hardware or data, or that any network services or products (other than the Software) upon which the Software’s performance depends will continue to be available, uninterrupted or unmodified. Furthermore, Code Technologies, its affiliates, and third party licensors do not warrant or make any representations or conditions regarding the use or the results of the use of the Software or accompanying documentation in terms of their accuracy, reliability, completeness or otherwise. Code Technologies and its affiliates and third party licensors shall have no responsibility for the security of, timeliness, deletion, mis-delivery, or failure to store any of your communications or personalized settings. No oral or written information or advice given by Code Technologies, its affiliates, or any third party shall create a warranty, duty or condition, or in any way change this exclusion of warranty, duty and condition. Should the Software or the media on which it is furnished or the accompanying documentation prove defective, you (and not Code Technologies, its affiliates or any third party) assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction. Warning: if you are receiving or purchasing a trial license, the Software may contain a mechanism that will cause the software to cease proper or full functioning after a certain period of time. This may occur before or after expiration or termination of the license, so you must be prepared for such event at all times and may not rely on the Software. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you further understand, acknowledge and agree that the Software is not designed or intended for use on or within any other product other than the Product. You expressly acknowledge and agree that any other hardware, software, content or data could be damaged by installing or using the Software on or within any other product other than the Product, and Code Technologies, its affiliates and Third Party Licensors are not responsible for any such damage. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In no event will Code Technologies (including but not limited to any negligence issues related to third party licensors), its affiliates or third party licensors be liable to you for any special, indirect, incidental, punitive, exemplary, or consequential damages of any kind, including but not limited to compensation, reimbursement or damages in connection with, arising out of or relating to this EULA on account of the use or loss of use of the Product, Software or accompanying documentation, downtime or your time, loss of present or prospective profits, loss of data, information of any kind, business profits, or other commercial loss, or for any other reason whatsoever, whether based on theories of contract or tort (including but not limited to negligence or strict liability), even if Code Technologies, its affiliates or third party licensors have been advised of the possibility of such damages. The Product, Software and accompanying documentation are furnished to you for use at your own risk. Code Technologies, its affiliates, and third party licensors will not be liable for damages for breach of any express (except to the extent expressly provided otherwise by this EULA or accompanying documentation) or implied warranty, duty or condition, under breach of contract, negligence, strict liability or any other legal theory related to the Product, Software, accompanying documentation, or this EULA. Code Technologies, its affiliates, and third party licensors cannot ensure that the Product, the Software or other data you access or download from or through the Product or Software will be free of viruses or contamination or destructive features, and Code Technologies, its affiliates, and third party licensors disclaim any liability related thereto. Code Technologies, its affiliates and third party licensors further disclaim any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the Product or Software. If, notwithstanding the terms of this EULA, Code Technologies, its affiliates and third party licensors are found to be liable to you for any damage or loss which arises under or in connection with this EULA, including but not limited to your use of the Product, the Software, or accompanying documentation, their collective total aggregate liability to you shall in no event exceed the manufacturer’s suggested retail price of your Product. HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES The Software and any other software provided on or through the Product is not fault-tolerant and is not designed, manufactured or intended for use or resale as on-line control equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail-safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines, or weapons systems, in which the failure of the Software or such other software could lead to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage (“High Risk Activities”). Code Technologies, third party licensors, and each of their respective affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, information providers, licensors and licensees, and successors and assigns, specifically disclaim any express or implied warranty, duty or condition of fitness for high risk activities. You are solely responsible for any and all action, or lack of action, taken to preserve life or property. EQUITABLE REMEDIES You agree that any violation of or non-compliance with any term or condition this EULA by you will constitute an unlawful and unfair business practice, and will cause irreparable harm to Code Technologies, its affiliates or Third Party Licensors for which monetary damages would be inadequate, and you consent to Code Technologies obtaining any court ordered relief that Code Technologies deems necessary or appropriate in such circumstances. These remedies are in addition to any other remedies that may be available to Code Technologies under contract, at law or in equity. ENTIRE AGREEMENT, NOTICE, WAIVER, SEVERABILITY This EULA as amended and modified from to time, constitute the entire agreement between you and Code Technologies with respect to the subject matter hereof. Any notice by Code Technologies hereunder may be made by letter, e-mail, or posting on or through the Product or on Code Technologies’ website, http://www.code-technologies.com/, or as otherwise specified herein. The failure of Code Technologies to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this EULA shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any part of this EULA is held invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to maintain the intent of this EULA, and the other parts will remain in full force and effect. APPLICABLE LAW This EULA shall be governed by the laws applicable in the United Arab Emirates without regard to conflict of laws principles. You hereby expressly agree to submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of the courts of the Dubai, for the purpose of resolving any dispute relating to this EULA or access to or use of the Software and Product by you. TERM AND SURVIVAL This EULA is effective until terminated. Code Technologies may terminate this EULA immediately if you fail to comply with its terms. In addition, upon termination you will have no recourse against Code Technologies, its affiliates or Third Party Licensors for your inability to use the Software or the accompanying documentation. In case of such termination, you must cease all use, and destroy or return to Code Technologies any copies, of the Software, and delete any and all accounts you may have established which are accessible through the Software. Any of your obligations under this EULA which by their nature are intended to survive the termination of this EULA or your use of the Product or Software shall continue to apply to you after the termination of this EULA or you cease to use the Product or Software. FEEDBACK Should you have any questions concerning this EULA, you may contact Code Technologies by writing to http://www.code-technologies.com/about-us/contact-us.