LICENSE AGREEMENT When used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the respective meanings indicated, such meanings to be applicable to both the singular and plural forms of the terms defined: Licensor means Arquiconsult SA, with its main address located at Avenida Amalia Rodrigues nº17A, 2675-432 Odivelas, in Portugal. I. Software means (a) all of the contents of the files, disk(s), CD-ROM(s) or other media with which this Agreement is provided, including but not limited to (i) ARQUICONSULT NAVHR® or third party computer information or software; (ii) digital images, stock photographs, clip art, sounds or other artistic works (Stock Files); (iii) related explanatory written materials or files(Documentation); and (iv) fonts; and (b) upgrades, modified versions, updates, additions, and copies of the Software, if any, licensed to you by ARQUICONSULT (collectively, Updates). II. Use or Using means to access, install, download, copy or otherwise benefit from using the functionality of the Software in accordance with the Documentation. III. Licensee means You or Your Company, unless otherwise indicated. Permitted Number means one (1) unless otherwise indicated under a valid license (e.g. volume license) granted by ARQUICONSULT. IV. Computer means an electronic device that accepts information in digital or similar form and manipulates it for a specific result based on a sequence of instructions. 1) SOFTWARE LICENSE As long as you comply with the terms of this End User License Agreement (the Agreement), ARQUICONSULT grants to you a non-exclusive license to Use the Software for the purposes described in the Documentation. Some third-party materials included in the Software may be subject to other terms and conditions, which are typically found in a Read Me file located near such materials. 2) GENERAL USE You may install and use a copy of the Software on a compatible computer, up to the Permitted Number of computers; or SERVER USE You may install one copy of the Software on your computer file server for the purpose of downloading and installing the Software onto other computers within your internal network up to the Permitted Number or you may install one copy of the Software on a computer file server within your internal network for the sole and exclusive purpose of using the Software through commands, data or instructions (e.g. scripts) from the Permitted Number of computers on your internal network. No other network use is permitted, including but not limited to, using the Software either directly or through commands, data or instructions from or to a computer not part of your internal network, for internet or web hosting services, any other company except for the one stated in your license agreement or invoice or by any user not licensed to use this copy of the Software through a valid license from ARQUICONSULT; and BACKUP COPY You may make one backup copy of the Software, provided your backup copy is not installed or used on any computer. You may not transfer the rights to a backup copy unless you transfer all rights in the Software as provided under Section 6. 3) STOCK FILES Unless stated otherwise in the Read-Me files associated with the Stock Files, which may include specific rights and restrictions with respect to such materials, you cannot, modify, reproduce, and distribute any of the Stock Files included with the Software. You are not authorized to distribute the Stock Files on a stand-alone basis, i.e., in circumstances in which the Stock Files constitute the primary value of the product being distributed. Stock Files may not be used in the production of libelous, defamatory, fraudulent, lewd, obscene or pornographic material or any material that infringes upon any third-party intellectual property rights or in any otherwise illegal manner. You may not claim any trademark rights in the Stock Files or derivative works thereof. 4) LIMITATIONS To the extent that the Software includes ARQUICONSULT NAVHR ® software, (i) you cannot customize the installer for such software for the installation of additional plug-in and help files, in accordance with the restrictions stated in the contract signed with ARQUICONSULT regarding the use of ARQUICONSULT NAVHR software; you may not otherwise alter or modify the installer program or create a new installer for any of such software, (ii) such software is licensed and distributed by ARQUICONSULT, and (iii) you are not authorized to use any plug-in or enhancement that permits you to save modifications to an XPO file with such software. 5) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS The Software and any copies that you are authorized by ARQUICONSULT to make are the intellectual property of and are owned by ARQUICONSULT. The structure, organization and code of the Software are the valuable trade secrets and confidential information of ARQUICONSULT. The Software is protected by copyright, including without limitation by Portuguese Copyright Law, international treaty provisions and applicable laws in the country in which it is being used. You may not copy the Software, except as set forth in Section 2 (Software License). Any copies that you are permitted to make pursuant to this Agreement must contain the same copyright and other proprietary notices that appear on or in the Software. You also agree not to reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software except to the extent you may be expressly permitted to decompile under applicable law, it is essential to do so in order to achieve operability of the Software with another software program, and you have first requested ARQUICONSULT to provide the information necessary to achieve such operability and ARQUICONSULT has not made such information available. ARQUICONSULT has the right to impose reasonable conditions and to request a fee before providing such information. Any information supplied by ARQUICONSULT or obtained by you, as permitted hereunder, may only be used by you for the purpose described herein and may not be disclosed to any third party or used to create any software which is substantially similar to the expression of the Software. Requests for information should be directed to the ARQUICONSULT. Trademarks shall be used in accordance with accepted trademark practice, including identification of trademarks owners names. Trademarks can only be used to identify printed output produced by the Software and such use of any trademark does not give you any rights of ownership in that trademark. Except as expressly stated above, this Agreement does not grant you any intellectual property rights in the Software. 6) TRANSFER You may not, rent, lease, sublicense or authorize all or any portion of the Software to be copied onto another users computer except as may be expressly permitted herein. You may, however, transfer all your rights to Use the Software to another person or legal entity provided that: (a) you also transfer each this Agreement, the Software and all other software or hardware bundled or pre-installed with the Software. 7) WARRANTIES Conditions, representations, or terms (express or implied whether by statute, common law, custom, usage or otherwise) as to any matter including without limitation noninfringement of third-party rights, merchantability, integration, satisfactory quality, or fitness for any particular purpose. Pre-release product additional terms if the product you have received with this license is pre-commercial release or beta Software (Pre-release Software), then the following Section applies. To the extent that any provision in this Section is in conflict with any other term or condition in this Agreement, this Section shall supersede such other term(s) and condition(s) with respect to the Pre-release Software, but only to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict. You acknowledge that the Software is a pre-release version, does not represent final product from ARQUICONSULT and may contain bugs, errors and other problems that could cause system or other failures and data loss. Consequently, the Pre-release Software is provided to you AS-IS, and ARQUICONSULT disclaims any warranty or liability obligations to you of any kind WHERE LEGALLY LIABILITY CANNOT BE EXCLUDED FOR PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE, BUT IT MAY BE LIMITED, ARQUICONSULT LIABILITY AND THAT OF ITS SUPPLIERS SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE SUM OF FIFTY EURO (€50) IN TOTAL. You acknowledge that ARQUICONSULT has not promised or guaranteed to you that Pre-release Software will be announced or made available to anyone in the future, that ARQUICONSULT has no express or implied obligation to you to announce or introduce the Pre-release Software and that ARQUICONSULT may not introduce a product similar to or compatible with the Pre-release Software. Accordingly, you acknowledge that any research or development that you perform regarding the Pre-release Software or any product associated with the Pre-release Software is done entirely at your own risk. During the term of this Agreement, if requested by ARQUICONSULT, you will provide feedback to ARQUICONSULT regarding testing and use of the Pre-release Software, including error or bug reports. If you have been provided the Pre-release Software pursuant to a separate written agreement, your use of the Software is also governed by such agreement. You agree that you may not and certify that you will not sublicense, lease, loan, rent, or transfer the Pre-release Software. Upon receipt of a later unreleased version of the Pre-release Software or release by ARQUICONSULT of a publicly released commercial version of the Software, whether as a standalone product or as part of a larger product, you agree to return or destroy all earlier Prerelease Software received from ARQUICONSULT and to abide by the terms of the End User License Agreement for any such later versions of the Pre-release Software. Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the contrary, you agree that you will return or destroy all unreleased versions of the Pre-release Software within thirty (30) days of the completion of your testing of the Software when such date is earlier than the date for ARQUICONSULTs first commercial shipment of the publicly released (commercial) Software. 8) LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In no event will Arquiconsult or its suppliers be liable to you for any damages, claims or costs whatsoever or any consequential, indirect, incidental damages, or any lost profits or lost savings, even if an Arquiconsult representative has been advised of the possibility of such loss, damages, claims or costs or for any claim by any third party. The foregoing limitations and exclusions apply to the extent permitted by applicable law in your jurisdiction. ARQUICONSULT aggregate liability and that of its suppliers under or in connection with this agreement shall be limited to the amount paid for the software, if any. Nothing contained in this agreement limits Arquiconsult liability to you in the event of death or personal injury resulting from ARQUICONSULT negligence or for the tort of deceit (fraud). Arquiconsult is acting on behalf of its suppliers for the purpose of disclaiming, excluding and/or limiting obligations, warranties and liability as provided in this Agreement, but in no other respects and for no other purpose. For further information, please see the jurisdiction specific information at the end of this Agreement, if any, or contact ARQUICONSULT. 9) GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Portugal. 10) GENERAL PROVISIONS If any part of this Agreement is found void and unenforceable, it will not affect the validity of the balance of the Agreement, which shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. This Agreement shall not prejudice the statutory rights of any party dealing as a consumer. This Agreement may only be modified by a writing signed by an authorized officer of ARQUICONSULT. Updates may be licensed to you by ARQUICONSULT with additional or different terms. This is the entire agreement between ARQUICONSULT and you relating to the Software and it supersedes any prior representations, discussions, undertakings, communications or advertising relating to the Software. The following agreement is complemented by the licensing contract signed with ARQUICONSULT that provides additional terms and conditions for the use of the ARQUICONSULT NAVHR. 11) NOTICES If you have any questions regarding this agreement or if you wish to request any information from ARQUICONSULT please use the address and contact information available via to contact the ARQUICONSULT office. Copyright © 2021, ARQUICONSULT. All rights reserved.