baseVISION Terms of Use for SOC Services Purpose This Terms of Use ("Terms", "Terms of Use") sets out the responsibilities and required behavior of users when they are accessing to Managed Security Services Provider operated by baseVISION AG and its affiliates (together, “baseVISION” or “We”) Your access to and use of the Services is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. This Terms applies to all baseVISION SOC employees, guest users and third parties, collectively termed ‘Users’ or ‘You’ throughout this document, who interact with the dedicated Microsoft tenant for baseVISION SOC services ‘baseVISION SOC tenant’. Please read the Terms carefully. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ANY PART OF THIS TERMS, YOU MAY NOT ACCESS THE SERVICES. Usage of the Services The Services are provided for business purposes and not for personal usage. User Identification, Authentication, and workplace User Account: The user account given is personal. You must not share, transfer, or otherwise provide access to an account designated for you to another person. User Authentication: You must not attempt to circumvent user authentication or security of any Services. This includes, but is not limited to, accessing data not intended for you, logging into, or making use of Services or account you are not expressly authorized to access or probing the security of Services. Password: Your password provides access to your account. You are responsible for keeping your password secure, and you must not share your password and account access – including account name(s), passwords, personal identification numbers (PIN), Security Tokens (i.e. Smartcard), or similar information or devices used for identification and authorization purposes – with unauthorized users. You must not re-use your password for any other login account or purpose. You must use a password that is not easy to guess. We recommend a complex password that includes at least eight characters that combine letters, numbers, and symbols, which is changed regularly. Workplace security: You must ensure that you have a secured network before connecting to the Services. You must ensure that your electronic devices are up to date and antivirus and firewall protections are turned on. You must not leave your computer or portable device unattended without locking the screen or logging out. You must be aware of your surroundings and the need to maintain confidentiality when working, especially in public areas. Endpoint restrictions: The use of these services is limited to endpoints managed and authorized by baseVISION. Access location: You comply with the directive SOC@home to access the 'baseVISION SOC tenant’ or any customer infrastructure from outside the baseVISION SOC facility. General Conditions All service users are expected to exercise responsibility, use the Services ethically, respect others' rights and privacy and apply the applicable laws. More particularly : Users must not share customer information and data with baseVISION employees or third parties without proper authorization. Users must not carry out any action that may interfere with the normal working of the Services or disrupt other Users’ use of the Services. Users must not intentionally upload to, or transmit from, the Services any data, file, software, or link containing or redirect to a virus, Trojan horse, worm, or other harmful component or technology that unlawfully accesses or downloads content or information stored within the Services. Users must not attempt to reverse engineer, decompile, hack, disable, interfere with, disassemble, modify, copy, translate, or disrupt the features, functionality, integrity, or performance of the Services. SOC Users must not use the Services to store or transmit any data that may infringe upon or misappropriate baseVISION or someone else's trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property, or that may be tortious or unlawful. Users must not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or related systems or networks or defeat, avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, or otherwise circumvent any software protection or monitoring mechanisms of the Services. Users must not use the Services for any illegal purpose or to publish, post, share, copy, store, backup or distribute any illegal files or data, including infringing, obscene, threatening, libelous, or otherwise unlawful or tortious material, including material that is harmful to children or that violates third party privacy rights. Users must not attempt to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of the Services or to breach the security or authentication measures without proper authorization. Users must share any confidential customer data or information. Monitoring baseVISION undertakes routine monitoring of all activities on the services to ensure that they operate correctly and protect against the risk of harm from viruses, malicious attacks and other threats. You agree, that your activities are monitored and logged. The personal identifiable data will be stored for at least two years or according the law requirements. After the minimum retention period, personal identifiable data will either deleted or anonymized for further use like service analysis or improvements. Security event notification Users must promptly notify baseVISION if they suspect any illegal, unauthorized activity or a security breach involving their account. This includes any misuse, loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure or use of a username, password or account. Termination baseVISION may terminate or suspend access to the Services immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if baseVISION believes a violation of the Terms is deliberate, repeated or presents a credible risk of harm to other users, the Services or any third parties. How to contact us Please contact our Security Officer at or at baseVISION AG Unterführungsstresse 25 4600 Olten Switzerland