This software and all related content, including but not limited to source code, algorithm, design, graphics, trademarks, logos, databases and documentation, are the sole exclusive property of NTT DATA. It may not be reproduced, distributed, publicly communicated, transformed in whole or in part, for payment or free of charge, by any means or procedure, without the prior, express, written authorisation of NTT DATA. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, modification, distribution, or reverse engineering of the software may constitute a violation of Intellectual Property laws.​ The use of this software is governed by specific terms and conditions outlined in the Framework Agreement For contracting NTT Data Products. If you decide to buy a license or subscription to an NTT DATA software you must sign and accept those terms and conditions, without exception. ​ In the event that NTT DATA software may incorporate third-party components, whether proprietary or open source, you may use said components in accordance with the applicable licenses and NTT DATA does not grant any guarantee and declines any type of responsibility for the same.​ © 2023, NTT Data. All rights reserved.