SystemEver SLA SystemEver Azure SLA for the calculation , and there are also in store . If the error of the calculation domain and upgrade domain, two or more role instances are deployed at least 99.95% of the time when the Internet connection is not available outside of the role which will ensure . In addition, all individual role instances and 99.9% of the time to monitor the process of the role instance is not running, start the detection and corrective actions to ensure that . SystemEver Storage SLA Store a minimum of 99.9% of the time, the data add, update , read and delete the correct format for the received request is guaranteed to be successfully processed . The storage account to connect to Microsoft's Internet gateway is guaranteed. SystemEver SQL SQL Azure database for customers and SystemEver provides the connection between the Internet gateway . SQL Azure 99.9% of the one month "Monthly Availability" to maintain . For a specific customer database "Monthly availability ratio" the total of one month to the customer database is the ratio of a given time . The 30th hour of the monthly cycle is measured according to five-minute intervals . Availability is always one month is calculated for the whole . Clients attempt to connect to the SQL Azure database has been denied by the gateway can not be used in that time period is displayed.