By accepting on these terms and conditions you acknowledge and agree on use of our MDR (Managed Detection and Response) toolking solution with parts of managed IT security service contract which refers to outsourcing of advanced threat detection, incident response, and continuous monitoring capabilities to a third-party System4u security service provider. When describing the implementation of a managed MDR service, consider the following key points: Assessment and Onboarding: The security service provider will conduct an initial assessment to understand your organization's security landscape, including existing security tools, infrastructure, and policies. We will work with you to define the scope of the MDR service and gather necessary information to establish a baseline for threat detection and response. Deployment and Configuration: The security service provider will deploy the necessary security tools and technologies within your environment. This may include deploying endpoint detection and response (EDR) agents, network sensors, log collectors, and other components that enable comprehensive visibility into your systems. These data will under any condition not leave your Azure tenant when we commmit do fully data handling under ISO27001 or other any industry/goverment regulatory obligations. Log and Event Collection: The managed MDR service relies on the collection and analysis of logs and events from various sources, typically but not exclusively including endpoints, servers, firewalls, and other security devices. The security service provider will configure the collection mechanisms to ensure relevant logs are carefully ingested into their security (MDR toolkit) platform for analysis. Threat Detection and Analysis: The security service provider managed solution will monitor and analyze the collected data for signs of malicious activity. This involves leveraging advanced threat intelligence, behavior analytics, and machine learning algorithms to identify indicators of compromise (IoCs), suspicious patterns, and potential threats. Incident Response and Investigation: When a security incident is detected, the managed MDR service provider's security toolkit or analysts will initiate an incident response process. They will trigger to investigate the incident, determine its severity and impact, and may appropriate actions to contain and mitigate the threat. This may involve providing guidance to your internal IT or security teams or directly performing remediation actions accordingly to Service Level Agreement definion. Threat Hunting and Proactive Defense: The managed MDR service includes proactive threat hunting activities to identify and address threats that may have evaded initial detection. Reporting and Communication: The security service provider or the MDR toolkit itself will generate regular reports and communicate the findings and insights from the monitoring activity and incident response. These reports can include information on detected threats, incident response actions, security trends, and recommendations for improving your security posture. Continuous Improvement and Collaboration: The security service provider will work closely with your organization to continually enhance the effectiveness of the service. This may involve refining detection rules, fine-tuning response procedures, conducting tabletop exercises, and providing recommendations for security enhancements. Among the security service provider´s responsibilities belong implementation, configuration and maintenance of their solutions within client´s tenant, reporting, communication, training and support as per agreed SLA definion. Real time event monitoring, incident analysis and handling via managed Security Operations Center is feasible as part of the service offer. Performance measurement and reporting are agreed with client, including KPIs, performance & issue tracking system, to provide effective communicate around the service performance metrics, analysis, optimalizations and insights. Contact our sales representatives directly to learn more on the service offer options, including full Service Level Agreement conditions, obligations, transition plan and data / intellectual property settings.