Supply of the products and services set out in the offer will be undertaken on Liquid Intelligent Technologies' standard terms and conditions of business, which are available on request. All other terms and conditions shall be governed by a Master Service Agreement (MSA) to be entered into and agreed by both parties. Liquid Intelligent Technologies Cloud & Cyber Security Managed Services Team not only provide powerful monitoring and data collection capabilities across different technology domains, but also give an integrated management information platform to improve the operational efficiency and control of IT, management of the IT investment and alignment with business. Our customers benefit from the following managed services: 1. Availability (fault/root cause) management: Ensuring the availability of the Cloud platform infrastructure, or infrastructure component, typically by correcting a fault after it occurs. This area is becoming more proactive to prevent faults before they occur – necessitating Liquid Intelligent Technologies to analyse and identify trends and address weaknesses. 2. Performance management: Enabling superior performance of the Cloud platform infrastructure, or infrastructure component, often with the objective of improving QoS relevant to business objectives. Becoming more proactive here requires Liquid Telecom to do trend analysis and recommendations for upgrading of components or internal customer management of applications or user activities on the platform to prevent poor performance or downtime. 3. Capacity planning: Optimising the existing infrastructure and planning for future growth. 4. Configuration management: Configuring devices and software for interoperability, performance, and new-service provisioning. This includes keeping the required configuration file images to restore configurations when faulty devices are replaced. As part of configuration management, change control is also critical to ensure changes are tracked and can be reversed if affecting performance negatively. Another key component of this service is version control and management of uniformity / interoperability across the infrastructure. 5. Inventory management: Taking inventory of the Cloud infrastructure components, which results in "knowing what you have" and "where it is". 6. Accounting: Assessing service usage based on client identity, cost of providing a service, and, increasingly, the service usage. 7. Service-level and business-impact management: Managing to ensure that network services meet both SLAs and business objectives. 8. Helpdesk and customer support: Providing direct support to internal and/or external customers, usually in direct response to an unavailable or poorly performing Cloud service.