A collage of images from the TechSpark program, showing scenes in various U.S. cities.

TechSpark News

May 2022

Talent is everywhere, but opportunity is not. To foster inclusive economic opportunity, job creation, and innovation, Microsoft launched TechSpark in 2017 to be a steward of meaningful impact at the local level.



Microsoft TechSpark team and partners reunite in Redmond, WA.

Microsoft TechSpark team and partners reunite in Redmond, WA.


TechSpark regions

U.S. map showing TechSpark regions in the U.S. states of WA, WY, ND, TX, WI, MS, and VA, and in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.
An icon of a lock
An icon of a microchip
An icon of a financial bar chart
An icon of a computer

TechSpark announces newest location in Jackson, MS

JJ Townsend talks with partners at Jackson State Univ., CIO Dr. Deborah Dent and Dean Dr. Wilbur Walters

JJ Townsend (right) talks with partners at Jackson State Univ., CIO Dr. Deborah Dent and College of Science, Engineering and Technology Dean Dr. Wilbur Walters.

TechSpark announced its newest location in Jackson, Mississippi, with lifelong Mississippian and Jackson resident JJ Townsend spearheading efforts. Like other TechSpark locations, as the local manager, JJ will listen to the unique needs and challenges of the region and partner with local organizations to drive digital equity and support for inclusive economic opportunities. With a focus on digital skills training, connections to jobs, computer science education, broadband connectivity, and digital transformation for nonprofit and startup ecosystems, collaboration is well underway with partners such as Jackson State University, gener8tor, Innovate Mississippi, and Bean Path.

Expanding access to computer

science education

High school students learn from remote Microsoft TEALS program volunteers who work in the tech industry.

In September 2021, we announced the expansion of Microsoft’s Technology Education and Literacy in Schools (TEALS) program to four high schools in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, and 252 high schools across 18 United States cities, in partnership with local organizations, government leaders, and communities. It was the largest program expansion to new students since TEALS was founded in 2009 and also the first translation of the TEALS curriculum into Spanish.


In Wisconsin, we helped develop the first career pathway early college program, utilizing TEALS curriculum as an on-ramp for earning an associate degree in computer science upon high school graduation. Check out this video from our partners to get a glimpse into the UW Green Bay Rising Phoenix program, rolling out during the 2022-23 school year.

Energizing agtech in North Dakota

An animated vision of Grand Farm.

Recently in Fargo, the North Dakota Department of Commerce awarded Grand Farm a $10 million matching grant to advance autonomous agriculture technology. Grand Farm, supported by Microsoft and others, will continue its work in innovation, creating global autonomous agricultural concepts and upskilling the workforce to ensure farming advancement. 


Grand Farm brings an incredible amount of progress to the region with more exciting advancements, such as the announcement of the new permanent expansion site in Casselton, North Dakota. 

In focus: Get to know Lisa Karstetter, Washington TechSpark Manager

Tell us about your work in Central Washington.

My TechSpark work covers six counties in the heart of agricultural land in Washington. We have many small, remote communities in this region where primary jobs revolve around getting food from the field to your table. The ag industry is quickly pivoting and using more technology to meet its labor needs and to cut costs.

Lisa at home on her family’s farm.

Soon, many of these jobs will be replaced with machines. I want to make sure those workers are not left behind. We must provide the opportunities to learn new skills and pivot to a new career.


What excites you about the year ahead?

Microsoft TechSpark and the Apple STEM Network recruited Computing for All, a Seattle-based nonprofit, to North Central Washington to support the development of a data center technician prep pathway for high school students. The group submitted a successful application for Career Connect Washington Intermediary funding last fall, and development has begun on a program that will provide a much-needed labor pipeline to our local area data centers.


Due to the increasing need for cybersecurity talent, Microsoft recently announced its support for the development and growth of cybersecurity programs at community colleges to build a cybersecurity workforce. Locally, we partnered with Big Bend Community College to develop one of those cybersecurity programs, which will launch this fall.


What has been one of your favorite moments as a TechSpark manager?

Juan Servin’s story warms my heart because I have many folks in my region who come from similar backgrounds. Juan is one of the people who has taken advantage of some of the resources we’ve brought to the area.


Upskilling has been a big push for TechSpark, and we funded NCW Tech Alliance to help us with this work. We pushed out an upskill competition, and Juan and his daughter won it by completing 148 certificates on LinkedIn Learning in a month, further increasing their skillset.


Juan has made a practice of continually bettering himself, and that learning has taken him from working in the onion fields to recently graduating from Big Bend Community College with his associate degree in systems administration. He recently started his own IT business and drone work and is taking classes toward his four-year degree.


Juan is always telling me there are opportunities everywhere and that you just have to look for them. He says, “The only thing that you need to learn is how to be a ‘learning person’ because learning is open for anyone who wants to apply themselves and to achieve more.” Advice we can all use.


When you’re not on your laptop, what are you doing?

I live in the middle of a 400-acre apple and cherry orchard, so there is always something that could use an extra hand. You can find me in meetings for the five boards I serve on (Grant County Industrial Alliance, North Central Regional Library Board, Grant County Economic Development Board, Sunserra Board of Directors, and the NCW Tech Alliance Advisory Board) and volunteering in my community of 8,000 people. When those things aren’t keeping me busy, you will see me spending time with my 1-year-old granddaughter!

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To sum up

At Microsoft, we believe in a future where every person has the skills, knowledge, and opportunities to achieve more. TechSpark helps bring that vision to life. 


Learn more about TechSpark at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/corporate-responsibility/techspark.


And Microsoft's other philanthropic efforts at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/corporate-responsibility.


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