云上微联服务使用协议 为使用云上微联服务,请您务必认真阅读和理解本《云上微联服务使用协议》(以下简称《协议》),特别是限制或免除责任条款。除非您已阅读并接受本《协议》所有条款,否则您无权使用本服务。您对本服务的登录、查看、使用等行为即视为您已阅读并同意受本《协议》的约束。 本《协议》是您与北京神州数码云计算有限公司(以下简称“神州数码”)之间关于使用云上微联服务所订立的协议。“用户”是指使用云上微联服务的企业,在本协议中更多地称为“您”。 您使用本服务需要在Dynamics 365环境中安装我们发布的云上微联服务,然后按界面提示完成微信公众号的第三方平台管理授权以及Dynamics 365的账号授权。若您不同意上述授权,请您选择“否”,您将退出本服务。 本《协议》的条款可由神州数码随时变更,您须定期审阅本协议。协议条款一旦发生变动,我们将会在授权页面上提示变更内容。变更后的协议一旦在授权页面上公布即代替原来的协议。如您不同意我们对本《协议》所做的任何变更,应立即停止使用本服务。如您在本《协议》变更后继续使用云上微联服务,即视为您接受变更后的协议。 1.本服务内容 1.1本服务内容是指为Dynamics 365用户提供微信公众号集成服务,服务内容仅限微信公众号合法公开的API(应用程序编程接口)。如,在Dynamics 365上管理其公众号、发布和接收消息、管理用户分组等。 1.2您使用本服务需要按提示完成微信公众号的管理授权以及Dynamics 365的账号授权,并在Dynamics 365环境中安装我们发布的云上微联。 1.3本软件提供的服务包含免费试用阶段和收费阶段,您可以在免费试用阶段结束后决定是否购买本服务。免费试用阶段结束后,只有根据提示确认同意支付费用并完成支付行为后,您才能继续使用本服务。 1.4您在进行消费时,请事先了解消费价格和注意事项,用户付费后获得的权益不得转让给第三方。 2.许可范围 2.1神州数码保留对本服务许可进行收费的权利。 2.2本软件及其所有拷贝的名称,与本软件中注明的公司同在。 2.3如果您违反本协议的任一条款与条件,神州数码有权随时终止许可,并保留通过法律追究您相应责任的权利。 2.4您下载、安装、使用云上微联,完成微信公众号的管理授权以及Dynamics 365的账号授权时,应严格按照说明进行操作。 2.5本软件可能会使用第三方软件或技术,这种使用已经获得合法授权。 2.6如因本软件使用的第三方软件或技术引发的任何纠纷,应由第三方负责解决,北京神州数码云计算有限公司不承担任何责任。 2.7除非法律允许或北京神州数码云计算有限公司书面许可,您不得从事下列行为,否则北京神州数码云计算有限公司将保留依法追究法律责任的权利: 2.7.1对本软件进行反向工程、反向编译、反汇编或解体拆卸。 2.7.2删除或更改本软件及其拷贝上关于著作权的信息。 2.7.3对神州数码拥有知识产权的内容进行使用、出租、复制、修改、转载等,擅自借助本软件及其相关信息发展与之有关的衍生产品、服务、插件等。 2.7.4其他未经神州数码明示授权的行为以及以任何不合法的方式、为任何不合法的目的、或以任何与本协议不一致的方式使用本软件。 3、用户行为规范 3.1您可使用本服务在关联的您有权使用的微信公众号中发表属于您的原创或您有权发表的文字、图片、音频、视频、链接等信息内容。您必须保证,您拥有您所上传信息内容的知识产权或已获得合法授权,您使用本服务的任何行为未侵犯任何第三方的合法权益。 3.2您充分了解并同意,您必须为自己使用本服务的一切行为负责,包括您所发表的任何内容以及由此产生的任何后果。 3.3您在使用本服务时,可能会有另外单独的协议,您在使用该服务前请阅读并同意相关的单独协议。若该服务由第三方提供,则神州数码和第三方对可能出现的纠纷在法律规定和约定的范围内各自承担责任。 3.4 您在使用本服务时,须自行妥善保管您的账号及密码,包括但不限于您的微信公众号、Dynamics 365的账号等,当您使用完毕,应安全退出。因您保管不善导致遭受被导报、密码失窃、内容等数据丢失等任何损失的,责任应由您自行承担。 3.5您在使用本服务时不得利用本服务从事以下行为,包括但不限于: 3.5.1利用本服务发表、传送、传播、储存违法法律、危害国家安全的内容,或任何不当的、辱骂性的、恐吓性的、暴力的内容。 3.5.2利用本服务发表、传送、传播、储存侵害他人知识产权、商业秘密权等合法权利的内容。 3.5.3在您并不拥有相应的权利并未得到所有必要的认可的情况下,传送或散布含有受知识产权法律保护的图像、相片、软件或其他资料的文件,包括但不限于受版权、商标法、隐私权、公开权保护的文件。 3.5.4虚构事实、隐瞒真相以误导、欺骗他人。 3.5.5其他违反法律法规、政策及社会公德的信息。 4 、用户隐私声明 神州数码保证不对外公开您的微信公众号账号信息、Dynamics 365账号及存储的数据内容,但下列情况除外: 事先获得您的授权; 只有透露您的相关资料,才能提供您所要求的产品或服务; 根据国家有关法律法规的要求; 按照相关政府主管部门的要求。 5、权利的保留 本《协议》未明示授予的一切权利均为北京神州数码云计算有限公司所有。 6、法律责任与免责 6.1如果北京神州数码云计算有限公司发现或收到他人举报或投诉用户发布的信息内容或行为违反本协议约定的,北京神州数码云计算有限公司有权不经通知随时暂停或终止本服务、追究法律责任等措施。 6.2您理解并同意,北京神州数码云计算有限公司有权对违反有关法律法规或本协议的行为采取适当的法律行动,并根据法律规定或相关政府机关、安全机关、司法机关的要求提供用户的个人信息等,用户应承担由此而产生的一切法律责任。 6.3您理解并同意,因用户违反本协议约定,导致或产生的任何第三方主张的任何索赔、要求或损失,用户应当赔偿北京神州数码云计算有限公司,使其免受损害。 6.4在使用本服务的过程中,可能会遇到不可抗力等风险因素,使本服务发生中断。不可抗力是指不能预见、不能克服并不能避免且对一方或双方造成重大影响的客观事件,包括但不限于自然灾害如洪水、地震等以及社会事件如战争、政府行为等。出现上述情况时,北京神州数码云计算有限公司将努力第一时间与相关单位配合,及时进行修复,但是由此给您造成的损失北京神州数码云计算有限公司在法律允许的范围内免责。 6.5您理解并同意,本服务是按照现有技术和条件所能达到的现状提供的,北京神州数码云计算有限公司会尽最大努力向您提供服务,确保服务的连贯性和安全性;但北京神州数码云计算有限公司不能随时预见和防范法律、技术及其他风险,包括但不限于病毒、木马、黑客攻击、系统不稳定、第三方服务下架等原因可能导致的服务中断、数据丢失以及其他损失和风险。 6.6您理解并同意,北京神州数码云计算有限公司向您提供的服务或内容,可能会根据法律法规或监管政策的变化、其他第三方的投诉等进行变更或中断。对于前述原因或其他原因造成用户无法享有相关服务的,北京神州数码云计算有限公司无需承担任何责任。 7、服务的变更、中断、终止 7.1北京神州数码云计算有限公司始终在不断变更和改进服务。 7.2如发生下列任何一种情形,北京神州数码云计算有限公司有权不经通知而中断或终止向您提供的服务: 7.2.1您违反相关法律法规或本协议的约定; 7.2.2您没有按时支付服务费; 7.2.3按照法律规定或主管部门的要求; 7.2.4出于安全的原因或其他必要的情形; 8、协议的期限和终止 8.1您使用云上微联服务即视为您已阅读本协议并接受本协议的约束。 8.2北京神州数码云计算有限公司有权在必要时修改本协议条款。您可以在相关服务页面查阅最新版本的协议条款,并自觉遵守本协议条款的内容。 8.3本协议条款变更后,如果您继续使用本服务,即视为您已接受修改后的协议。如果您不接受修改后的协议,应当停止使用本服务。 8.4您可以随时通过向云上微联提供您决定终止用户协议的书面通知来终止本协议。如果本协议终止,则云上微联保留拒绝向您提供云上微联服务的权利。 9、管辖与法律适用 9.1本协议的成立、生效、履行、解释及争议,适用于中华人民共和国法律。 9.2本协议的签订地为湖北省武汉市。 9.3若您和神州数码之间发生任何纠纷或争议,首先应友好协商解决;协商不成的,您同意将纠纷或争议提交神州数码所在地法院管辖。 10、其他条款 10.1本协议所有条款的标题仅供参考,不能作为本协议含义解释的依据。 10.2本协议条款无论因何种原因部分无效或不可执行,不影响本协议其余条款的有效性。 10.3如果您对本协议或本服务有意见或建议,可通过DWC-Support@dcclouds.com与我们联系,我们会给予您必要的帮助。 10.4 本协议由中英书就,如有冲突,以中文版本为准。   USER AGREEMENT FOR THE DC WECHAT CONNECTOR SERVICE In order to use DC WeChat Connector (“DWC”) Service, please read and understand this "User Agreement for the DC WeChat Connector Service" ("Agreement"), especially the restrictions or exemptions. You have no right to use the service unless you have read and accepted all terms of this Agreement. Your behavior such as login, viewing and use shall constitute an acceptance by you of the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement is a legal contract between you and Digital China Cloud Technology Limited (“Digital China”) governing your use of all service hosted by Digital China. “User” means an enterprise that uses DWC service, and is more referred to as “you” in this Agreement. To use this service, you need to install the DWC service in the Dynamics 365 environment, and then follow the tips to complete the third-party platform management authorization of WeChat public account and the account authorization of Dynamics 365. If you do not agree with the above authorization, please select "No" and you will exit this service. The terms of this "Agreement" can be changed at any time by Digital China, and users shall review this Agreement periodically. In the event of any change of the Agreement, we will prompt you on the authorization page. The modified Agreement will replace the original Agreement once it is published on the authorization page. If you do not accept amendments made to this Agreement, then stop using it. Your continue use of this service following any amendment to this Agreement shall be conclusively deemed an acceptance of all such amendments. 1. Service Content 1.1 This service refers to the WeChat official account integration for Dynamics 365 users. The service is limited to the API (application programming interface) legally exposed by the WeChat official account. For example, manage its official account, send and receive messages, manage user groups, etc. on Dynamics 365. 1.2 You need to complete the management authorization of the WeChat official account and the account authorization of Dynamics 365 according to the tips to use this service, and install the DWC in Dynamics 365. 1.3 The services provided by this software include a free trial phase and a charging phase. You can decide whether to purchase this service after the free trial phase ends. After the free trial period ends, you can continue to use the service only after you pay the fee according to the tips. 1.4 When you consume, please understand the price and precautions in advance, and the service obtained by the user after payment shall not be transferred to a third party. 2.License to Offerings 2.1 Digital China reserves the right to charge for the service. 2.2 The name of this software and all its copies shall the same as that of the company indicated in the Software. 2.3 If you violate any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Digital China reserves the right to terminate the license at any time, and to hold you responsible by law. 2.4 Please follow the instructions when you download, install and use DWC, and authorize the management of WeChat official account and Dynamics 365. 2.5 This software may use third-party software or technology that has been legally licensed. 2.6 Any dispute caused by the third-party software or technology used in this software shall be resolved by the third party, and Digital China shall not take any responsibility. 2.7 Except as expressly permitted by law or Digital China, you must not (and is not licensed to): 2.7.1 reverse engineer, reverse compile, reverse assemble or otherwise translate the software. 2.7.2 delete or alter copyright information on this software and its copies. 2.7.3 use, rent, copy, modify and reprint the contents of intellectual property rights owned by Digital China, and use this software and relevant information to develop derivative products, services, plug-ins without authorization. 2.7.4 other acts not expressly authorized by Digital China and using the software in any illegal way, for any illegal purpose, or in any way inconsistent with this Agreement. 3. User Behavior 3.1 You can use this service to publish your original or authorized text, pictures, audios, videos, links and other information in the associated WeChat official account. You have to guarantee that you have the intellectual property rights or legal authorization of the information you uploaded, and that your use of this service does not infringe the legal rights and interests of any third party. 3.2 You fully understand and agree that you shall be responsible for your use of the service, including any content you send and any consequences arising therefrom. 3.3 There may be another agreement when you use this service. Please read and agree to the relevant agreement before your use. If the service is provided by a third party, Digital China and the third party shall be respectively responsible for any dispute that may arise. 3.4 When using this service, you should keep your account and password properly, including but not limited to your WeChat official account, Dynamics 365 account, etc. After using it, you should log out safely. You are responsible for any loss resulting from your improper safekeeping, such as the loss of the report, password theft, content loss, etc. 3.5 When using this service, following behaviors are not licensed to (including but not limited to): 3.5.1 publish, send, disseminate and store content that violates laws and endangers national security, or any inappropriate, abusive, threatening or violent content. 3.5.2 publish, send, disseminate, and store content that infringes on the legal rights of others such as intellectual property rights, trade secret rights and etc. 3.5.3 transmit or distribute images, photos, software or other materials protected by intellectual property laws, including but not limited to those protected by copyright, trademark law, right of privacy and right of disclosure, without the corresponding rights and all necessary recognition. 3.5.4 make up facts, conceal the truth to mislead and deceive others. 3.5.5 other information that violates laws, regulations, policies and social ethics. 4. User privacy Digital China promises not to disclose your WeChat official account information, Dynamics 365 account and stored data, except for the following: Obtain your authorization in advance. Only by revealing your relevant information can we provide the products or services you need. Comply with relevant national laws and regulations require. Comply with relevant government authorities require. 5. Reservation of Rights All rights not expressly granted in this Agreement are reserved to Digital China. 6. Limited Warranties; Disclaimer of Warranties 6.1 If Digital China discovers or receives reports or complaints from others that your information and behavior violate this Agreement, Digital China has the right to suspend or terminate this service at any time without notice and pursue relevant legal responsibilities. 6.2 You understand and agree that Digital China has the right to take appropriate legal action for violations of relevant laws, regulations and this agreement, and provide users’ information in accordance with the law or the requirements of relevant government agencies, security agencies, and judicial agencies. The user shall take all legal responsibilities. 6.3 You understand and agree that user shall indemnify Digital China against any loss claimed by any third party due to user's violation of this Agreement. 6.4 This service may be interrupted by force majeure during your use. Force majeure refers to objective events that are unforeseeable, insurmountable and unavoidable and have a significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, etc. and social events such as wars and government actions. When the above situation occurs, Digital China will try its best to cooperate with relevant units to repair it in time. However, Digital China shall be exempted from liability to the extent permitted by law for any loss caused to you. 6.5 You understand and agree that the Service is provided in accordance with the existing technology and conditions, and Digital China will do its best to ensure the continuity and security of the service. However, Digital China cannot foresee and guard against legal, technical and other risks at any time, including but not limited to service interruption, data loss and other Losses and risks that may be caused by virus, Trojan, hacker attacks, system instability, third-party service removal and other reasons. 6.6 You understand and agree that the services or content provided by Digital China may be changed or interrupted in accordance with changes in laws, regulations or regulatory policies, and complaints from other third parties. Digital China shall not be liable for the aforementioned reasons or other reasons that prevent users from enjoying related services. 7. Change, interruption and termination of services 7.1 Digital China is constantly changing and improving its services. 7.2 Digital China has the right to interrupt or terminate the service provided without notice if any of the following situations occur: 7.2.1 You violate the relevant laws, regulations or this Agreement. 7.2.2 You did not pay the fee on time; 7.2.3 Comply with the law or competent authorities require. 7.2.4 For safety reasons or other necessary situations; 8. Term and Termination 8.1 Your use of DWC shall constitute an acceptance by you of this Agreement. 8.2 Digital China has the right to amend this Agreement if necessary. You can check the latest version of the Agreement on the relevant page and consciously abide by the contents of this agreement. 8.3 Your continue use of this service following any amendment to this Agreement shall be conclusively deemed an acceptance of all such amendments. If you do not accept amendments made to this Agreement, then stop using it. 8.4 You can terminate this Agreement at any time by providing DWC with written notice of your decision to terminate the Agreement. If this agreement is terminated, Digital China reserves the right to refuse to provide you with DWC service. 9. Applicable Law 9.1 The establishment, entry into force, performance, interpretation and disputes of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. 9.2 The agreement is signed in Wuhan, Hubei Province. 9.3 If there is any dispute between you and Digital China shall first be settled through friendly consultation; if the negotiation fails, you agree to submit the dispute to the jurisdiction of the court where Digital China is located. 10. Miscellaneous 10.1 The titles of all the terms in this agreement are for reference only and cannot be used as the basis for the interpretation of the meaning of this agreement. 10.2 The invalidity or unenforceability of some of the provisions of this Agreement for any reason shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. 10.3 If you have any comment or Suggestion on this Agreement or the Service, please contact us via DWC-Support@dcclouds.com and we will give you necessary help. 10.4 This contract is executed respectively in Chinese and English. In case of discrepancy, the Chinese version shall prevail. ________________________________________