These license terms are an agreement between EMEIT and you. Please read them. They apply to the add-in, connector, unless the App comes with separate terms (“Third-Party License”). If so, the terms of the Third-Party License will apply. This agreement also applies to any updates and supplements for the App, unless other terms accompany those items. If so, those terms apply.   BY DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING, OR USING THE APP, OR ATTEMPTING TO DO ANY OF THESE, YOU HAVE ACCEPTED THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT INTEND TO ACCEPT THEM, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO (AND MUST NOT) DOWNLOAD OR USE THE APP.   In this agreement “App Provider” means the entity licensing the App to you, as identified in the Office Store or the App’s description. If the App is licensed to you by Microsoft, then the App Provider is Microsoft (or based on where you live, one of its affiliates).   License Under this License Agreement, EMEIT grants to the user a non-exclusive license to use mSales Title, Copyright, intellectual property rights and distribution rights of the app remain exclusively with the vendor Failure to comply with any of the terms under the License section will be considered a material breach of this Agreement.